It has since grown into the largest fleet of heritage electric streetcars in Western Canada. Our collection includes nine operational streetcars and seventeen others in our reserve. Two of these are undergoing restoration, two are stored in complete but non-operational condition and thirteen bodies of former streetcars await eventual restoration or rebuilding. Work for ERRS volunteers is guaranteed for decades to come!
Our aim is to eventually restore at least one car of each type that once operated in Edmonton. In addition we hope to restore some significant examples from other Canadian cities as well as countries overseas. The following pages will showcase what has been achieved so far, what is currently being done and what waits for future consideration.
The restoration task is not an easy one as the bodies are usually in decayed condition and it takes many years and countless hours of volunteer work to restore a car back to operational condition. In most cases, simple restoration is out of the question and the respective car has to be fully rebuilt from scratch with the help of the remaining sample pieces.
Replacements for missing trucks, motors, controllers, compressors and other vital equipment often has to be searched for around the world or even manufactured in our own workshop. It is therefore not surprising that some projects take as long as 20 years and thousands of volunteer hours to complete.
Work for the ERRS will certainly be available well into the next century and beyond the lifetime of most of its members. To ensure these projects are completed well into the future, we try hard to obtain and set aside vital parts which may at that time no longer be available.
The Edmonton Radial Railway Society has been proud to own many streetcars over the years. Although we rarely divest ourselves of a streetcar there have been occasions when part of our fleet was better suited to another museum and we have made streetcars available to other organizations on those occasions.
The following streetcars have moved on from our collection:
The Edmonton Radial Railway Society operates on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.