Visit our Strathcona Streetcar Barn & Museum as a part of your ride on the High Level Bridge Streetcar.

The museum's displays include artifacts, pictures and information relating to streetcar history, Edmonton's original streetcar system and our own museum streetcars from around the world.

In addition, we have a exclusive colour film of Edmonton's streetcars in 1949 for you to watch!

Plan your Visit


The museum is open 10:30am - 2:30pm on Saturdays from May long weekend until Canadian Thanksgiving in October (excluding the annual Fringe Festival).

Ad-hoc openings may be possible - watch out for the sign when riding the High Level Bridge Streetcar!


The museum is free during regular hours but donations are gladly accepted!


The museum is located in the Strathcona Streetcar Barn on 103 Street and 84 Avenue (at the north end of the Farmer's Market building). A visit can easily be combined with a ride on the High Level Bridge Streetcar.

The following items may be purchased

from the museum shop:

High Level Bridge Streetcar Pins

Set of 4 pins: $12.00

(also available from the conductor on the High Level Bridge streetcars)

High Level Bridge

Streetcar #33 (Edmonton/Canada)

Streetcar #247 (Osaka/Japan)

 Streetcar #601 (Hannover/Germany)

Fort Edmonton Park Streetcar Pins

Set of 4 pins: $12.00

(also available from the motorman on the Fort Edmonton Park streetcars)

 Streetcar #1 (Edmonton)

Streetcar #24 (Toronto Suburban)

Streetcar #42 (Edmonton)

Streetcar #80 (Edmonton)

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