ERRS was out in force today for flange cleaning on our High Level Bridge Line. We had our biggest crew ever—24 volunteers—out to clean out flanges and pick up trash along our entire 3km line. We started at our HLB barn and worked North to Jasper Ave, and then returned to finish at Whyte.
Both our Fort Edmonton and High Level Bridge tracks are now active, with cars running for inspection, maintenance, and operator training. Please take care when crossing our tracks, and do not walk along tracks or inside the tunnel.
'Flange Cleaning' refers to the flangeways in track embedded in roadways. The flangeway is a slot next to the inside face of the track, which allows the flange of the wheel to pass through the roadway. Wheel flanges are the inside of the wheel's running surface, which rides inside the rail and keeps the car on the track. As these hang lower than the main wear surface of the wheel, there has to be space next to the rail to allow the wheel to pass. The last photo shows the flanges on the wheels of Edmonton 33.
ERRS is a 100% volunteer run organization, and we're always looking for new people. For the upcoming operating season (starting May 17), we are especially in need of volunteers to help us run our museum, and our ticket selling operations! These are great opportunities to meet people and help share Edmonton's transit history, in the heart of Old Strathcona! Check out our website or message us on Faceook or Instagram for more info!